Definizione socio
Rimanere indipendente mentre si basa su un marchio riconosciuto a livello mondiale,
e trarre vantaggio dalla sinergia di un gruppo di soci e un leader
casa-madre nel mercato high-end per la sposa francese.
2 rue Gambetta
77210 AVON
T. +33 (0) 1 64 78 56 50
Commercial Cymbeline
T. + 33 (0) 1 64 78 56 57

Testimony from Mrs. Dubois
Cymbeline Fontainebleau Shop France
Opening in September 2015
« We already had a very influential Multibrand shop in our area. My daughters & I wanted to strengthen our position and chose to open an exclusive boutique Cymbeline at Fontainebleau. We received real support throughout the process, assembly of our project to launch the store. Today, the result is up to our and success is on the cards. Thank you Cymbeline! ».

Testomony from Mrs. Bressiani
Cymbeline Campinas Shop Brazil
Opening August 2013
« We opened a shop Cymbeline two years ago, just next to our first shop Multibrand Casamarela Noivas. This allowed us to create a real pole of attraction for both shops and success was the rendezvous.
Today, we start on exactly the same pattern in Sao Paulo, opening a Cymbeline boudoir boutique. We have a real partnership with Cymbeline, and we feel confident and monitoring, despite the thousands of kilometers that separate us. The name Cymbeline is magic! ».

Testomony from Mr. Witkowski
Cymbeline Lille & Arras Shops, France
Opening 2010
« 5 years ago, I become manager of my first Cymbeline shop being the reference shop in my town, I found my way. Throughout this period, I had an accompaniment of Cymbeline and myself I was able to participate in meetings of style and products collections.
In 2015 I had the opportunity to open a second shop in Lille and concretizing my dream ».